Saturday, July 19, 2008

10 things to remember in architecture school...

Found the pamphlet with this thing written on it while tidying up my model materials...Pretty useful, I guess...So here are the 10 things:

1. Start anywhere.
Stuck? Don't know where to start? Well, who cares where you start. Just do it to get past the intertia and before you know it, you are on a roll.

2. Pride
Take pride in your work. Present those sketches nicely. Make beautiful study models. Spend time laying out presentation panels and strut your stuff proudly.

3. The tutor is not God
At least most of the time they're not..

4.Own our project
Give your life to make that project yours. *Too true...* Believe in it. Research it. Defend it. (In that order.)

5. Sketch a lot. Read a lot. Do a lot.
I know, some people are screaming. But you got to clock the hours, sweat and suffer before the good stuff comes out. There's no shortcut. *Now you know why we need all those late nights..*

6. There is life out there
Don't live in the studio *Actually, I think this contradicts point no 5..but well...* Leave your work behind and go play. Without creative input, there will be no creative output.

7.Crit does not equal student bashing
It isn't you. It's your project.

8. Purpose
Know the question first, then search for an answer.

9.There are no rules
..Except for gravity. Bend every single rule that you can without getting into trouble. Hm...what the heck. Just break them.

10. Learn when to stop..
and move on.

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