Monday, November 12, 2007

Tribute to studio 11

Submission's just over and it feels like a huge load has been lifted off my more dazed-ness from late nights! no more back pain and tired legs from standing to draw! no more finger-ache from cutting models! no more eye fatigue from inking horribly small details!! yayyyyyy!!! (and so dear readers, if anyone you know wants to take architecture, do warn him/ her that's it's a physically intensive course as well!)

Oh well, all that's left is the insomnia from sleeping so late every night...must try to restore some semblance of normalcy and regularity into my life. Anyway, what more befitting way to close this semester's design module than to make a tribute to my beloved studio mates. mates..the people who've brought such fun and laughter into an otherwise a torturing semester, what with the workload and demands. Wonderful friends, you know who you are...I'm reminiscing over the time we spent doing the group project..stitching that gorgeous plywood structure together..I remember the D n E project that took away our mid-sem holiday, but was bearable cuz you're all on the team...I remember the late night subways, botak jones, the karaoke session(my first time singing in a karaoke, if what i did can be called singing..), the crappy lame conversations, the satisfied smiles on our faces when our structure proudly stands... the pressure in the studio to fulfill our dear tutor's expectations, the rush to make models and draw panels..the teasings...the way we keep borrowing "uncle"'s tools ;p ....the mess in the studio, the safari beds and sleeping bags..the rush for morning lectures, the little mandarin lessons (thanks for being so patient with all my questions!)...the playground session at mount emily park! isn't that awesome!

Some of you might not read this, dear studiomates (though I plan on forcing you all to read ;p), but here goes....

To Adel, thanks for always being there with the smile and enthusiasm. Your rap rocks girl!
To Anusha,after mid-nite you're one of the funniest girl I've ever met! =) Thanks for all the laughters from the crappily intelligent conversations ;p
To Ren, I love your voice..hehe..and your panopticon instument is sooo cuuuuuteee!! inspired to practice drawing again by your drawings =)
To Poh Liang, our "Auto Cat", who proved to me that one can draw a map to scale just by looking at Google Earth, am inspired by your drawings too!
To Adriel, resident bodybuilder, who always goofs around but also always did whatever tasks allocated to him well, thanks for the D n E simulations again! Here's to your dream of having watermelons for muscles!
To Jong-Eun, alias sweet Korean exchange student, it's great having you around! You're so cuuuuteeeee!!! (Not in the same sense as Ren's panopticon instrument, but well..cute!) Talking with you's always pleasant because of your laughters =)
To Ra, I've never seen anyone who likes purple so much ;p thanks for taking the trouble of being our studio treasurer! (oops...i remember I havent paid my part yet!)
To Hui Loh, aka "Rose" ;p, it's always fun to tease you and a certain tall guy..hehehe...thanks for receiving me in your Eusoff room hall everytime I go there to bathe!
Last but not least, to Sky, aka "Uncle" aka "contractor" aka "studio rep" aka general busy man.. thanks for always lending us the tools and taking so much responsibilities! You're a rockin' rep man! (Must tell people to sabo you again next time..hehe..)

Shucks..though I'm glad that there won't be any pressure from deadlines and workload anymore, and I'm so happy because of that, I'm pretty sad too cuz this means we won't meet up as a studio again...Oh well, there's still crit...All the best everyone!

Proud member of Studio 11,
Shiela C.

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