Friday, November 30, 2007

7 things meme - tagged by Ren

7 things that scare you:
uhm...I'm not really scared of will change the title to:

7 things people are usually scared of and why I'm not scared of them:
1.insects - I think they're gorgeous and cool =D
2.ghost/evil spirits, at least the way they're depicted in horror movies - part of it has to do with me being a christian, another part is because I believe they can't do anything to me.
3. death - just another phase of fact I'm sometimes curious as to how it feels..
4. failure - well, one can't stay on top all the time
5.loss of a loved one - will hurt, but life goes on
6. hurting a loved one - can't help doing it sometimes..say sorry and face the consequences..
7.being alone - quite enjoyable if one gets used to it
Used to be afraid of people's expectations as well as my own's..and also of being given too much responsibility,but have since learned to manage it.

7 things you like the most:
3.good friends
3.the colour Blue
4.lame jokes - and people who can crack them
5.tempe staple food!
6.trees - currently my fave tree is the raintree

7 important things in your room: books... (ok I'm cheatingi...but they are the most important things...)
4.potted plants (neutralise chemical contaminants!)
5.keyboard...though it's not exactly inside my room...
6.dark blue curtain, gift from my mom..makes the color of the whole room a very nice blue
7.drawing - modelling equipments

7 things you plan to do before you die:
1.see the Aurora (dream since childhood...)
2.visit all major architectural works around the world
3.write a book
4.volunter in an ulu place for half/one year,alternatively go around Indonesia visiting small tribes and learn how they live
5.climb a mountain (short one will do ;p ) a house that my parents would love
7.make my clients very happy,as an architect

7 things you can do: for 5-6 hours straight, then go eat and continue reputation as a mugger is kind of deserved..
2.either make people laugh, or otherwise freeze them, by telling jokes
3. read very fast, and very widely..I'm a very curious person regarding Nature and things tempe goreng for lunch and dinner everyday without getting bored
5.learns languages pretty fast if I get to speak it quite often
6.can deal with insects..never thought this is a big deal before I went to ISCF camp and even the guys didn't dare to remove the insects in some girls' room...
7.can eat no meat for years,and years, and years..haha..not really an ability though, comes from being vegetarian..

7 things you can't do:
1.can't stay in a crowded places for a long time
2.can't be with people all the time - I need quite some time alone
3.can't concentrate with music around
4.can't live without books..haha..
5.can't be serious for long stretches of time, even when I'm alone
6.can't NOT think too much regarding some things
7.can't sleep with the lights on

7 things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1.knowledge - will be very happy if we can converse about lots n lots of things
2.sense of humour
3.ability to play musical instruments for Nature
5.interest in books and poetry,and Indonesian language!
7. D.I.Y ability (fascination comes from watching my dad repair almost anything around the house..)

7 things you say the most:
3.wahlau (ng...baru nyadar betapa singlish-nya gw kadang2...)
7.are you serious...?

7 random facts about you:
1.likes to make friends with people from different countries since I like hearing about and learning about other cultures
2.have difficulty remembering names, especially Chinese yeah,I'm very happly if people's names are unique and easy to remember
3.used to be tomboy but have since gotten much better (at least I think so...)
4.want to learn Hindi and go around India..since I adore Indian food and am fascinated by Indian architecture and mythology a very tropics person..hates cold and snow but loves strong sun and pouring rain (whether to be seen through the window or be experienced directly ;p )
6.used to wish I'm born a boy and a pribumi so I can go around my beloved country exploring without my parents being so worried all the time.In any case, yeah, I used to REALLY wish I was born a boy.
7.for a person who studies design...I have a very can't-be-bothered and practical attitude towards my appearance and the things I long as they can function well, then that's enough.

Hm...I really don't know who to tag..oh well, anyone who reads this and feels like being tagged, be my guest!

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