Thursday, November 22, 2007

Random a very wrong time....

Dizzy from watching 4 webcasts consecutively...(hence giving my mind this chance to wander and think nonsense.) This is the risk of being a sucker for archi that sacrifices every webcasted lecture to design..haih...
Newae it got me thinking..I thought that an utopian world in terms of education system would be a world where everyone who is born has kind of a neon sign on his/her forehead that says what talents he/she has, and what would he/she loves to do best. Wouldn't that be cool? I mean, right now maybe there's a school teacher somewhere whose artistic talent rivals Da Vinci, but he's never touched a paintbrush all his life because his father thinks it's only for sissies. Or a struggling pianist could have been a three star Michelin chef, and conversely a cha kway tiau seller could have been a composer rivaling Nobuo Uematsu. But they did not even realize they have the talents!! Wouldn't it be cool to skip so many years of misguided, competitive education system that forces you to study everything with the lame excuse of discovering where your strength lies? Wouldn't it be cool if all a talent scout has to do is scour poor villages for a kid who has a "star footballer" sign in his forehead? Wouldn't a lot of hurt, a lot of worry, a lo of wasted chances, a lot of mistaken decisions, be avoided?

Well, I used to think so. But then, the human world is much too complicated to create utopia even if such a system is in place. What if a child who has a "musician" sign shining so bright on his forehead met an accident that paralysed him for life? Would he then be convinced he canno do anything else? What if a "star footballer" loves to relax and laze around even more than play football, would society accuse him of wasting talents right away? What about the kids who has the signs "Lawyer", "Politician" and "Taxman"? Would they be ridiculed since childhood by some people? What if I was born with a "scientist" sign, but wanted to try so many things before becoming a scientist? Would the system prevents me from doing that since it has already known where my talent lies, and would not allow me to waste precious time and energy from developing that talent?And if children go to "Artist School", "Scientist School", "Architect School", "Teacher School", how segmented a society will we be?
And so many other questions...haih..

Humans..we're created with immense potential to do good, but with immense potential to do evil as well.
Case in point:

The human-mouse ear. A real genetic engineering creation that rocked the biotech world some years back (Quite long already actually.So I assume they must have a better creature by now, if only slightly.) One of my favorite photos to illustrate the gray world that is science. Well, if scientists are able to generate and harvest human organs from animals, then a lot of people would be helped, that's for sure...ignoring cost and ethical problems. Would Nature really not bite back the way we are manipulating it now?

Which brings me to another of my lecturer for Design and Environment said, "We shouldn't say that at the rate we're going we're going to destroy Nature. The correct statement is, at the rate we're going, Nature will destroy us."

So true, yet so ignored in actual life..
Uhm...why did I come to this point again? Oh well...continue studying!
(Just watched Disney's Robin Hood to relieve some boredom of studying SS..."Faint hearts never won fair ladies," faint muggers never won fair grades! Muuuuuuggggggg!!!

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