Thursday, February 26, 2009

Random stuffs here and there......

"There is no second chance to make a first impression."
(But thinking about it...Actually maybe it's better to just be ourselves everytime rather than try to tailor a first impression suitable for someone we meet. Well, an exception is when an architect is trying to nail a client....haha....)

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own."
Benjamin Disraeli
(How true...Those people whom I still hold dear even if I've lost contact or became distant from them, are those who brought out the good, the funny and the smart in me...No surprise that the easiest way to make someone attached to you is to make them feel good about themselves... It can be abused it so many ways though...huhuhu...*I think the amount of psychological stuff that I know is more than enough to manipulate people, and indeed, one of the pull to read these kind of stuff is to observe people in their behaviour.....but luckily so far I'm still on the straight and narrow, no intentional manipulation...)
Aside from cool quotes, I just read an article from New Scientist about brains..The cool thing: the male and female brains are so different that we can practically say the human species has two type of brains..(So far the belief is that the brain is basically the same for both sexes but upbringing and environment made them develop differently). The not so cool thing: a lot, in fact nearly all of the drugs that has went through clinical trials, are tested on male animals, as female animals have periods which complicate the researchr results.(Yeah, we females are waaaaaay complex ;p )
What's the big deal? Well, one example is that because of the brain differences women are much more sensitive to pain than men, but, to quote the researcher: "Women are the most common pain sufferers, and yet our model for basic pain research is the male rat." , which means the drugs won't work as well on women.
Hmm....Well it doesn't really affect me, as yet, but I'm just amazed that while I thought Science has discovered lots lots lots lots of things that all that's left are complicated stuff like stem cells, cryogenics, genetic manipulation, it turns out that we haven't even proven that the male and female brains are practically 2 different species.

Ah, and the article also states some myths about human behaviour, amongst which:
1. Men aren't emotionall tuned in
Actually, men do remember emotional stuff, but their brains are tuned to remember the gist, while for women it's the little details that are important. (Hmmm but in Architecture, practically all the guys take care of details...I wonder how to interpret this fact...hahaha....)
2. Women are more talkative than men.
Don't believe this....Both men and women say on average 16,000 words a day. (And I've met quite a lot of guys who love to gossip...geez....)

Lastly, still on weird science....I found a video of a Soviet experiment where a dog's head was chopped off and kept alive separate from its body...Yup you read that right...Man the things one can find in Youtube... (No I wasn't searching for "sick scientific experiments", honestly...)

For all the things I love about Science, I hate the fact that humans can do whatever they want with their fellow living beings... At the same time, these creepy experiments fascinate me just because there's someone sick enough to think of them....

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