Sunday, February 15, 2009

Love, Unconditionally

You will lose your baby teeth.
At times, you'll lose your faith in me.
You will lose a lot of things,
But you cannot lose my love.

You may lose your appetite,
Your guiding sense of wrong and right.
You may lose your will to fight,
But you cannot lose my love.

You will lose your confidence.
In times of trial, your common sense.
You may lose your innocence,
But you cannot lose my love.

Many things can be misplaced;
Your very memories be erased.
No matter what the time or space,
You cannot lose my love.
You cannot lose,
You cannot lose,
You cannot lose my love.

- Sara Groves


At a time when I'm just back from purposely breaking a lot of boundaries, the one message that Christianity has touched me again: that there is a God who loves you no matter what you did, no matter the mess you've gotten into. And it's true that my ability to reach out to people now, to try to see the best in them, to smile and trust put it simply, maybe too simply, belief in a loving God has expanded my heart and enabled me to love others better... A friend in church was praying for me using the story of the woman caught in adultery, where people wanted to stone her to death and Jesus said, "Let him who has no sin cast the first stone..", and how that woman is forgiven by God himself when her fellow humans would have loved to condemn her.

I wonder though how come a faith that seems all encompassing, truly forgiving, and accepting could seem so exclusivist and fanatical as well....Somewhere in between Jesus who came "not for the healthy but the sick" and the doctrinal wars of "If you are not baptised by immersion, in Jesus' name, speaking in tongues then you are going to hell", I get disillusioned by religion.

There is no denying though, that there is a very real sense of peace and meaning I get in my life because of my beliefs, in a sense, He is still the source of the things I give out to other people - easy acceptance, trust,honesty, laughter,patience, tenderness,willingness to sacrifice....

I wish I could have a special Q&A session with God where I could hear clearly all His answers to my questions...Ufh....Hopefully one day in the future....

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