Sunday, February 1, 2009

Oh, the things they say....

Was getting sleepy last night so I browsed through some archi groups in Facebook...and found this thing about the things tutors say during crit session...(short for "critique", and there's a good reason it's called that...)'s true that one of the unwritten requirements to be an architecture student is a strong mental ability to stand back up after the tutors verbally stone you to death... Well they do say, "It's not about you, it's about your work. Don't take it personally." But that doesn't make it less psychologically damaging...huhuhu...I gotta say that I learnt to gain so much more confidence after repeatedly facing archi tutors....Definitely good training....
Anyway, here are some comments:

* “Why are you here? Don’t come back next semester.”

* “Here’s a quarter. go call your mom and tell her you’re not going to be an architect.”

* Your design is like masturbation, you want to know why? That is because only you yourself enjoyed and like it.

* Your design is very tasteful… … for the tasteless.

* “Is this a … structural… glob of glue?”

* “When I went to school, at a different school than this one, there were students who would present projects like this one.
And they would fail.”

* “Your project looks like something that’s been through a trash compactor”

* “This space that you’ve designed is the type place where beggars and dogs go to die”

* “Are you in interior design?”

* “Why are you studying architecture if you’re producing things like that?”

* “Hey, everyone, gather round this project, come in close…because this is a great example for everyone of exactly what NOT to do..”

* “This drawing isn’t worth the paper it is printed on.”

* “This (model) is great…..just don’t let your dog play with it next time.”

* If you build this and after 10000 years the aliens see it, they would understand why humans go extinct.

* “Have you ever considered a career in accounting?”

* “oh, so it’s like some kind of orgy pit!”

* “So your parents are pay $20000 a year for this.”

* Prof pointing to part of a model, “Did you chew this?”

Source: Archinet

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