Saturday, May 9, 2009

On Mistakes

"We are not so much the result of our achievements as we are the culmination of our mistakes."
- Phin Wong, Maladjusted

The phrase just sticks with me because I'm thinking, in my case, how true it is. Maybe I take my achievements for granted, having the kind of brain to which achievements come rather easy... Maybe my definition of achievements is screwed (Singaporeanised, more like...)  but I never did realise till now just how much I value my mistakes, or so-called mistakes, much more than my achievements... (or so-called achievements, yeah..)

Question of the day: If my mistakes make me who I am, shall I still call them mistakes?

I guess why we call a mistake a mistake is because even though it teaches us a lot, we still would not want to repeat them. (Like, my freak bicycle accident reduced me recklessness and make me consider my parents more before doing things... but to again "fly" and kiss asphalt? No thanks..)

Anyway, I realise too that I have friends from very varied backgrounds, ranging from pure conservative to bloody radical to just plain unique (read: weird ;p ) that whatever I do will most probably be "right" in one circle and "wrong" in another. I think most people are in this kind of position too... and it's a good one, for it forces one to think for oneself and not merely sway with the crowd. (I'd have to admit, though, that at times it sucks to have so many different AND opposing inputs.)

Ah, well.... let's close with some quotes:

"All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes."
- Winston Churchill

"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."
- Oscar Wilde

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