Sunday, May 31, 2009

Been a Good Day...

I went to Pulau Ubin with some of the JC gang today! Fun!


I rode a bicyle!! 


I actually RODE DOWN SLOPES!!!!!


We got to see Chek Java (the famed coastal area that's the most biodiversity-rich spot in Singapore) at low tide! I went there several times before but had never managed to catch it at low tide..

...Huah.... Am tired, but it's the kind of satisfied tiredness where you are immobilised on the bed with a big smile on your face... (ok in my case I still need to make some models for tomorrow after this, but heck..)

So yeah, went cycling to Ubin island today with 5 jc classmates... and last night I was actually quite nervous because it will be my first time on a bycicle again after my 'little' accident... Well, cycling isn't a big deal for lots of people, but let's just say that since 2 years ago, seeing people cycle downslopes make my hairs stand on end.. I actually remember the impression when my whole face hit the road after I flew off the bycicle.. that split second that felt like...well it felt like my face was slammed down on the gravel hard... not a nice feeling...

BUT! But today I overcame that cursed fear of riding bicycles! So happy!!!!

After the incident, I went back to Ubin several times with my trekking buddy (who was there on 'that fateful day' fact I was transported to hospital on his dad's car huhuhu...), but I've always insisted that we walk around the island, not ride. This time...I kinda just decided to go along though I know the plan is to ride around the island...because:
1. I'm fed up of being afraid of riding a bicycle... I mean, when I was in Europe I was practically scared to visit the Netherlands and kept postponing just because I might have to ride a bike there.... (ufh it feels good to make that confession...)
2. My jc classmates will be there...n there's something about them that makes me feel at ease and kinda calm when we gather... I don't really know why... maybe because jc was the time when I opened up to people and I've spent 2 great years with them (minus the fact that we had to study for the A levels..)

So yeah.. when we reached the bike rental shops on the entrance of the island I was kinda fact at first I told my friend why don't I ride on a tandem bike with him...huhuhu.. Am glad that in the end I just chose to get it over and done with..this riding a bike business...

At first, I went sloooooooooooow even on totally flat ground, and nervously got down from my bike and walked everytime there's a sign "Warning: Deep Slope Ahead". But eventually I started enjoying the breeze, the sun (I love it when my arms become reddish-brown tanned haha..I feel so healthy! ), the scenery...and just lost that fear of suddenly losing my balance, or braking to avoid people, or crashing into other people.... Then, I boldened myself to go through the gentler slopes without dismounting from the bike....Then, it was on to the deep slopes....Slowly, slowly, keep the  back brakes in control..... and heck, now I can ride down steep slopes without the nagging feeling that something WILL DEFINITELY go wrong =)

Oh when I went down slopes I still have a bit of flashes of memories where I couldn't control my bike at all and...that split second of slammin'.. but I just focus on operating the brakes huhuhu..

I'm really grateful too that my friends kept checking on me throughout the whole journey, asking whether I'm ok, not letting me be the last person of the convoy, and being totally understanding though I slowed them down a lot at the beginning...

Add this to the list of friends to treasure: those who understand the silly daredevil in you, and yet they also understand the little coward you sometimes are.(and not laugh!)

The Ubin-Bike-Trip was officially closed with a round of cold young coconut in the Changi Village Hawker Center, and honestly, that was a fantastic ending! =)

1 comment:

Audrey Wijaya said...

Shiela, I didn't know you had an accident on a bicycle before! I am still afraid of riding one -- I've never ridden one, because I'm afraid of falling off the bike!

Gua jadi inget when I almost drowned int he pool and almost brought you down with me... haiiihh I am soooo sorry... I'm glad itu ngga bikin loe freak out sama bereneang... Sampe skg gua masih belom bisa nih, beberapa thn yg lalu si Yogi nyoba ngajarin gua tp tidak ada hasil...

Shiela Shiela, blog post loe banyak, bbrp hari terakhir ini gua randomly pick some to read, they're all very interesting & some even entertaining! I almost forgot how good of a writer you are -- maybe you should freelance as an author or something. Additional income, you know. And it should be a breeze for you too. :D