Sunday, May 17, 2009

On Food

"Is it a coincidence that DESSERTS is STRESSED spelt backwards?"
- writing on Bakerzin menu book when me,Do n Ren went there to eat..

"Two seconds on the lips, two years on the hips."
- what my German studio master said on one of the studio outings. He is wise.

I've always been a firm believer that food is something to be enjoyed, not to be feared, and the whole time I was in Europe, while gulping down all those pastries and guzzling down all those gelatos, I kept telling myself: "Some things are worth getting fat for." (which is also what I told my girl housemates when we realise we can't stop eating milk puddings, crepes, chocolate-flavored yogurt and other such divine French dairy products....)

But then, I came back from France. To Singapore. To people who kept saying I'm "chubbier", "bigger", "seems healthier", "rosier" etc... None of them actually used the word fatter, so I was thinking it couldn't be that bad...I mean, the scary part is, I didn't even realise my face was changing..huhuhu....

Oh, let's not pretend I'm not shallow.. If people around me keeps saying different variations of "You're fatter", of course I'm bothered... which was why what followed was some going up-and-down-the-19th-floor-stairs (cheap, convenient, quite effective ;p ), jogging in MacRitchie, and caterpillar lifestyle (lots..lots..of greens.. also effective)

The thing is, I'm no stranger to being fat, because I was a fat kid... and yeah, fat kids get teased a lot... but when I became vegetarian and then shortly discovered a love of walking in Nature, my weight problem kinda took care of itself. Which is why I now revert back to these two things hehe..

And lately, people around have been saying, "Hey' u've shrunk!" , "Oh wow u'r a lot less fat.." (Now then they say the word fat...hmph...), "I think u're thinner.." . . . . . 

Oh man, do I get to blame my bimbo genes for happily taking these as compliments? But it's a nice feeling indeed.

I'm shallow. Yup, there's no denying it.

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