Monday, June 30, 2008

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I don't know what to title the blogpost...but's about Vietnam since I'm definitely having withdrawal symptoms now... Woke up this morning, looked out of the window..and I can't believe I didn't see anyone in traditional conical hat, or riding bicycle, or sitting by the pavement having a bowl of pho...

Vietnam... has been one wonderful thing after another...For a start, my team mates were awesome.. We stayed in a rather dilapidated school building, with no such convenience as proper toilets, water heater or air-con, but despite being Singaporeans used to such comforts, my team members didn't complain, and the team atmosphere was cheerful and fun. Even towards the last days when we were really exhausted, it was still really great having the team around. Also, the weather was schorching hot most of the time we were there *I'm really tan now..huhuhu...* but people just worked and made the best of it. It's my first time spending my holiday together with a bunch of people who are prepared to slave away during their holiday too..and I'm definitely looking forward to other such trips!

Vietnamese people are really friendly...met a bunch of fun people when I was there..the villagers, the workers, the kids, several conservationists *unexpected, and very glad to have met them! "For a living planet, keep wildlife in the wild!" *...Vietnamese deliciously healthy.. the fruits are only there's a bunch of vietnam lychee in front of me now.. Love the architecture in Hanoi..the complicated tube houses, chaotic criss-crossing of electrical cables..the mini-size furniture...Life happening at the road pavements...

. . . . Somehow it doesn't feel so great to be back home, knowing there's such a great place, such a great life out there.. Sure, last night I slept with the air-con, on a mattress without bedbugs, complete with pillows and bolster... but it just seems meaningless now..compared to spending nights in sleeping bag, on hard ground, but actually doing something that will help other people.. the hospitality shown by the villagers towards us, the pride and joy I feel in contributing something to their community even though I'm just a foreigner that doesn't understand the language and culture..the schoolchildren's smiles...

I'm really grateful for a lesson I learnt on the trip: Life can either be spent getting comfortable or making a difference - you just gotta choose!

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