Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Three-minute Rule

One of my favorite books, 5 cm by Donny Dirghantoro, tells about a group of friends that implements "the three-minute rule" among thmeselves. That means, if they need to talk about the negative side of friend who is not currently present, they will limit it to only 3 minutes, and only talk about the main points, for the sake of finding a solution or discussing how best to confront the related friend. So, no anyhow speaking for half an hour about someone else's flaws.

I think it's a very good principle and am gonna try to implement it, in line with my church's desire this year to "eliminate evil report" (and personal desire to reduce, if not eliminate, tendency to gossip..huhuhuh..).

In any case, pastor taught a good thing, that we have to commit to the church even if it's not perfect, cuz only then we can grow up. Just like when we are dating we have less commitment and hence can change partners but in a marriage we don't right away divorce a spouse when we find some aspects not to our liking.

Gotta stop "dating'" the church.

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