Friday, April 2, 2010

Capoeira continued..

Capoeira.. has made my life better in unexpected ways.. I'm surprised too at how positively it influenced me, especially since I just went into it spontaneously because the club schedule fits mine this semester. (It's proven once again that the decisions that made a lot of difference in my life are often made on a whim huhu...)

One thing is that, capoeira has calmed me down.. Literally, after each session my body feels tired in a contented way. What with the music, the camaraderie and the energy of the roda bringing me into a high, post-training I feel like I had just been shouting on top of my lungs to release some stress and so I voluntarily go into "quiet mode"...

It has calmed me down in a sort of mental-emotional way too.. My friends would know that I am a rather restless person, especially regarding staying in Singapore for too long haha.. Inside me there's a deep need to explore, discover new things, find the unusual.. Which I cannot satisfy in Singapore, but in a funny way, I find all that in capoeira for now.. Like, instead of discovering places I'm discovering things I can do with my body I've never had confidence to try before (bridge! and in the process of learning cartwheel and handstand hehe..). It's such a good channel for all my restless energy that this summer holiday, while waiting for the result of my internship application in Beijing, I'm really thinking I should just give up the internship and stay in Singapore to practice capoeira.. Creepy.. I even think that it's okay if I don't travel at all and just stay for 3 months in Singapore.. I tell you, anything that can change my "Singa-phobic" mindset this far is pure magic hahaha..

Capoeira.. makes me love my body haha.. Well, I've always believed in living healthy, eating nutritious food, exercise etc, but this is the first time I stick to a quite vigorous exercise routine for some time, and am so glad I did! The first few weeks, I can feel my arms toning up (the beginning of biceps! Yay!) so I'd just be narcissistically feeling my own arms several times in a day hahahahahaha.. Other side effects include firmer thighs and a rather flat stomach..But it might just be my imagination.. Seriously, though, one of my seniors
was talking about body-builders who have such bulky, glistening muscles but can't even reach out far because the muscles are too tight.. and said, "Don't train your body based on what you want it to look like, but on what you want it to do." Wow such a change of mindset! I love my body because it allows me to do many things, and I hope this repertoire will continue to grow as I become a better capoeirista!

Capoeira.. empowers me.. Well I don't know if it's capoeira per-se or just the fact that I now exercise regularly, but the energy level I have is very, very useful for studio.. I've been having some rough weeks with my tutor and honestly it sucked out all my energy and optimism.. After a bit of roda (a kind of capoeira sparring) though, I'd feel a lot better and not so mentally drained.. Am very thankful that..

Ah, and of course it 'forces' me to take better care of myself.. Like, me being an archi student, the tendency is just to work work work especially when an idea grips me.. I'd work till 3, 4 AM then feel a bit dazed the next day.. Capo made me think twice about abusing my body that way because, hey, I cannot be dazed in the roda! Went to a training session with such a lack of focus once that when other people were kicking I was basically just turning around huhu.. So yeah, new habit, no late nights the day before capo practice, and it's great incentive to manage time haha..

Plus, I force myself to drink milk *Ewww... but necessary to build muscles what to do..*. Oh, and still regarding food.. Having regular exercise make meals more enjoyable.. It's a whole "I'm-rewarding-myself-cuz-I've-been-good" thing and I see nothing wrong with that.. Bimbo-ish as it sounds ,the freedom to eat what I want without fear of getting fat is SO liberating! And the first bite of food after rigorous training session is just.. Ahhhh....

Lastly, the best part of capoeira: fellow capoeiristas! Still wondering how come so many fun people conspire to all gather and join one CCA haha.. probably has to do with capoeira's Brazilian roots.. The people in the club are the ones that make me eager to go to each training session, and just brings a whole load of fun.. Capoeira is unique in this way because in the roda seniors and juniors will train together, no matter what level, and it bonds the whole club.. I still do solitary exercises like jogging and night swimming since it makes me relaxed before I sleep.. but for the ultimate high.. CAPOEIRA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

milk is the absolute good stuff. how can you saw eww to it, lol. is great that you're loving some P-E sessions now. they really help to keep the sanity, and reminding that we are alive and well, lol
