Thursday, April 1, 2010

A bit of relief..

... because da mistress is back in my arms... Fiuh!

Was very nervous before studio this afternoon since it's been 5 weeks of consecutive slamming (i.e. whatever design and analysis I presented was rubbish), and it really shook my confidence as a design student.. I mean, at one point my tutor was asking, "Do you understand what we are saying? Is it communication problem?"


Aaaaanyway, sms-ed a friend to ask for moral support, and this is what he said, "Haha.. at this point in time, Jesus was having it rough too. Worst came on fri for Him but when sunday came he was partying HARD.. my take on holy week ;p"

Wow.. ok studio is indeed a minuscule thing compared to crucifixion! But the sms reminded again that God is around.. As much as I struggle with believing a lot of things in the Bible, I still find life is more meaningful when I believe in Him.

Hufh... anyway studio went pretty good and I've now somewhat recovered my motivation to design.. All is well! It felt as if a curse has been lifted, really, and a very heavy load removed from my shoudelrs.. For the past few weeks, can't really focus on anything except thinking about studio and what the h*** went wrong.. Couldn't read non-archi books, didn't have any desire to learn French and Mandarin, didn't feel like doing anything for the other modules.. Quoting dodo bird, "Careful.. Archi consumes you from inside and then suddenly nothing's left". Freaky and exaggerated as it sounds, it can be true sometimes.

Ah well, my oh-so-sexy mistress is holding my hand again.. C'est vraiment belle, la vie!

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