Friday, April 11, 2008

Disastrous Day 2008 - Cont'd

.....which turned out to be not so disastrous anymore.... usual I came to the conclusion that i think too much...that day after being slammed I was agonizing over how to get the group to work back together since the "chemistry" now seems to be negative.. not to mention how to divide the dirty work fairly so that no one feels overused..
Well, the next day I just did my part, re-did the presentation slides, went to school and... everyone was already there and working! No confusion about work division,no trying to wiggle out of dirty work, I didn't even hear any complaint about having to redo the things..everyone just worked, worked, worked and still joke around like usual. I love my studio! actually this noble work ethic is quite prevalent in archi...generally the amount of complaining is immaterial compared to the amount of sheer hard work and dedication put in.. So yeah, at last the group work was enjoyable since everyone was determined to put in effort *which makes me wonder actually why it did not happen on the first place and only after we got slammed..but never mind..* Well we managed to pull a good job, decent at least, in 1.5 day, and thankfully dr uma accepted it. But he said that we could've just put in the effort before our previous disastrous presentation and it wouldn't have been like that.Which is true, of course.

I learned more from this than i would have if it all went smoothly, though.. that if someone is so-called in charge then might as well be fully in charge and chase people around, nag at them, rather than not get work done.. plus, I have to learn more to trust in people's ability and not my own , and trust that people will want to work hard provided there is good leadership - by example AND by talk.

Funnily enough, this semester I learned as much about people and how to work with them as I learned about archi, if not more. It's great actually, though the lessons made me painfully aware of my waeknesses and flaws.

Ah well, I'm still under construction anyway.. aren't us all?. And yeah, a finished building has its beauty, but buildings under construction have their own beauty as well. *Ask any AR2326 archi construction students ;p *

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