Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bits and Pieces...

"..mets la tete avant le coeur! "
("put your head before your heart!")
- frenchpod.com

Hm..this line is kinda over-used by people around me (yours truly included) , and frankly I was a strong proponent of the "reason before feeling" principle.. which is really ironic since now I gotta admit that the one time I threw reason outta the window and just followed my feelings, I was truly happy. Of course this could be like gambling, and maybe what I had was just beginner's luck, because well, in every gamble there's a 50% chance of things going horribly  wrong. But hey, I take what I can get, and frankly the rebellious-arty-farty-chick in me was glad to follow the heart.

"...the real world is.... very real...we are dealing with the needy, the greedy and the seedy.. but don't worry this classroom is not a real world. You can keep your idealism with you."
- BL5102 lecture, Environmental Science 
(a bit of explanation just in case: the needy = the often poor local communities, the greedy = those businessmen who will do anything including destroy the enviroment! the seedy= those corrupt government officials...yeah, like for example indonesian ones...)

(in talking about different landscaping traditions around the world)
"...the French will not leave the rock untouched. The Chinese will leave it alone."
- LA4301 lecture, Materials and Techniques
hahaha I wonder if this attitude extends to the daily life.. I'm still thinking how this quote fits with the stereotypes people have of the French and the Chinese.

"..as a designer, we experience.. and then we try to construct this experience for other people.."
LA4301 lecture, Materials and Techniques
Good reason to skip school again and go travelling next time: "I'm just gathering experience..."

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