Friday, October 26, 2007

(Tentative) list of my favorite sure will grow longer and longer...

Am listing it to review just how many favorite books I have and what are those..In actual fact It's probably more than 50, but I chose 50 who made the most impression on me. Oh well...I really grew up with books...They're the ones that mostly taught me how to think, how to view the world, what to know, what to care about...I've friends who told me learning form books is wrong, in a sense that they cannot replace real experiences. I agree, but books for me is a way to communicate with people past, great people long dead, or who stay so far away..books truly are the windows to the world. Alright, dear reader, do count how many of those listed here you have read and drop it as a comment. will appreciate tt =)

1.The Bible (not putting it here just to be politically correct, but because it is the most complex, far-reaching, and personally life-changing book amongst those I've read. AND i haven't even finished reading it!)

2.Bridge to Terabitihia - Katherine Paterson
3.Matilda - Roald Dahl
4.The Little Prince - Antoine de St. Exupery
5.The Silmarillion - J.R.R Tolkien
6. LOTR trilogy - J.R.R Tolkien
7. Derai-derai Cemara - Chairil Anwar (a compilation of his poems)
8. Supernova - Dee
9. Akar - Dee
10.Freakonomics - Stephen D.Levitt
11. Building Construction Illustrated ( yea i think so ;p ) - Francis D.K Ching
12.Angels and Demons - Dan Brown
13. The Red Queen -Jared Diamond
14. Sherlock Holmes series - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
15. The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran
16. Catatan Seorang Demonstran - Soe Hok Gie
17. "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman?" - Richard Feynman
18. "What do you care what other people think?" -Richard Feynman
19. The Piano Shop on the Left Bank - T.E Carhart
20. Biology 6th edition - Campbell & Reece
21. content -OMA
22. The Screwtape Letters - C.S Lewis
23. Mere Christianity -C.S Lewis
24. The Great Divorce -C.S Lewis (ok, basically anything by C.S Lewis, though I hve yet to rfinish reading all his works)
25. The Case for Faith -Lee Strobel
26. 5 cm -Donny Dirgantoro
27. Kambing Jantan -Raditya Dika
28. Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi - Andrea Hirata
29. Romeo and Juliet -William Shakespeare
30. The Speed Reading Book - Tony Buzan (I owe my current reading speed to him..a must read!)
31. Let Me Be A Woman - Elizabeth Elliot
32. Passion and Purity -Elizabeth Elliot
33. I Kissed Dting Good-bye- Joshua Harris (Basically the book that shaped my view towards BGR)
34. Thinking Architecture -Peter Zumthor (even though it's an architecture book, it's so beautiful that it calms me down when I read it...simply an architectural classic. Plus it's rather thin!)
35. Atmosphere - Peter Zumthor
36. Don't Eat This Book - Morgan Spurlock
37. Sabriel - Garth Nix
38. Shadow of The Wind -Carlos Ruiz Zafon
39. The Lotus and The Cross -Ravi Zacharias
40. Stories for The Extreme Teen's Heart
41. Clutter's Last Stand -Don Aslett
42. How to Have 48 Hours A Day - Don Aslett (It works! Too bad one needs more than 48 hours a day in archi..)
43. Jesus Freaks -d.c Talk
44. Diet for A New World - John Robbins (It's about vegetarianism. John Robbins is actually from the family who owned Baskin Robbins, but well..he converted into 100% vegetarian - meaning no ice cream too...)
45. Total Truth -Nancy Pearce (MUST read!)
46. Nodame Cantabile comic series
47. Idiot's Guide to Drawing (Read this when I was quite young, thankfully. It's a useful book for those who alwys think you just cannot draw!)
48. Biomimicry -Janine M. Benyus
49. The Golden Compass series -Philip Pullman
50. Harry Potter series -J.K Rowling

Hm...that's 50 for now...bu it doesn't include my favourite poets and short stories. By the way, aside from the Bible at no.1, and maybe the Bridge to Terabithia at no.2, the rest of the books is in no order of preference. I just list them as I remember them.

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