Sunday, March 21, 2010

On F*ck

Was reading about swear words (can't remember where though) and how they used to really mean something.. It was an article about a guy lamenting that, in his time, when someone used swear words, he will get attention right away.. you know that the situation was getting serious and that was a warning to tread carefully. These days, however, people throw around swear words like it's really nothing.. Another studiomate said before, swear words are like punctuations that should be sprinkled all over.. Still another said, 'F*ck* is supposed to replace noun, verb and adjective all at once. (As in, "F*ck you, you f*ckin' f*ckface!")

Hmmm... reading that made me reflect on how I'm so used to the F word now that I hardly give a thought if someone said that around me.. When I first came to Singapore *Ahh the old days when I was an innocent snowflake.. haih..* I would really flinch when someone said it.. Up till JC time, I was forcing one of my classmates to say "Fiddlestick" instead of "F*ck" in my presence hahaha.. Somehow, thanks to certain beliefs I held, I partly judged a person's morality based on their tendency to say the word, "F*ck"...

Fast forward to university.. And the climate in Architecture is such that there are just too many occassions that merits saying the word "F*ck".. From rejected proposals, having to stay over on weekends, spilled ink, injured fingers when cutting models, running out of model materials, three deadlines in a week, etc etc etc.. Even the tutors say it sometimes... I still remember one of the first nights I spent in studio, I happened to sit near two rather explicit studiomates.. And ended up hearing more "F*cks" than I've heard the whole of my JC life..

Oh, there was an occassion when I said it too.. Can't remember why, but it was year 1 sem 1 also.. The thing was, it was accidental, but the moment the word came out of my mouth, my studiomates went quiet (They knew my aversion to the F word) and with disbelief in her face, one of them asked, "What did you just say? Did you really just said what you said?"

Talk about impact..

I've progressed (regressed?) since then. I no longer think that the tendency to say "F*ck" has anything to do with one's morality (Unless that particular person happens to have what we call a 'f*ckface'...). I no longer flinch when some friends say 10 "F*cks" in 10 seconds (Oh yeah it happens...) I say it whether accidentally in my mind, or purposely when talking to someone I'm rather pissed with or felt that I had to show my "bad girl" side.. (Hmm.. I didn't realize how silly it sounds till I write it down.. Some self-reflection is clearly needed.. )

Reading that article, however, kinda makes me miss a time where I can take the word "F*ck" seriously, and friends went deathly quiet when I said it accidentally because it seemed it really meant something...

The article went on to say, that because now swear words have lost their impact and meaning, society becomes more violent... As in, if words lose their meaning, then actions will take their place, no? So, to show you're really pissed, just saying "F*ck" is not enough, you gotta go in and bash the guy!

Actually you know what? Starting this moment I'm back to taking swear words seriously.. I want my words to have meaning and impact when I say it, and I still want that reputation of "Don't f*ck with me when I say 'F*ck'!" hahaha..

On the funny side of things, in the Architecture department saying "F*ck you" will not generate much reaction, but what will get people's attention is if you put an architectural term behind the F word.. As in, "F*ck context!" , "F*ck Modernism!", "F*ck Corbu!" (Oh yeah!)

Now that will have an impact for sure!

1 comment:

Audrey Wijaya said...

Hahaha gua kaget pas liat label ini di blog loe, makanya gua baca...
Gua agree bgt kalo the F word skg uda ampir ga ada meaningnya lagi... dulu2 pas gua baru dateng ke US jg gua flinch tiap kali ada yg ngomong kata itu, tp lama2 ya kebiasaan. (And yes, I did have that word slip outta my mouth a couple intended though...) Yg bikin kaget lg, pas denger coworker yg uda bapak2 dan punya 2 anak bisa ngomong kata itu depan gua...yaah abis itu dia minta maap sih, keceplosan katanya... mungkin krn dia liat gua masih tampang anak kecil kali, makanya dia segen, tp gua sering bgt denger dia ngomong itu ke coworker laennya, apalagi sesama cowo...

Biarpun skg uda ampir ga ada meaningnya, cuma tetep aja menurut gua kata itu ada aturannya kapan boleh dipake... mgkn sesama temen, situasi informal, boleh lahh...Beberapa hari yg lalu, adek gua yg skolah di indo, cerita kalo guru bhs inggrisnya di uni ada yg sering ngomong f-word di kelas... wth... that's just plain wrong! Gua rasa tuh guru cuma belagu mo sok keren ngomong inggris, sampe masuk2in curse words... omg...

Gua masih lebih pro ke org2 ngomong tanpa kata kasar... walaupun gua jg pernah ngomong kasar, biasanya as soon as the words keluar, gua nyesel sendiri...