Monday, November 3, 2008


Decide to try a new way of blogging, which I will tentatively call fragging. It just means I'll be writing down fragments of my conversations with people, fragments of thoughts, fragments of books I read, fragmens of life...

Ok confession time: I'm gonna frag because it's much less of a hassle than doing a whole blog article analysing something, but I don't think fragging is a lazy man's way of the very least, if I can frag every day it would mean every day I'm communicating with someone, *hopefully in a meaningful way and not just in a nonsensical sense..*, thinking, reflecting, connecting....

I think it'll be kinda fun too for people to guess who am I conversing with, in what context are things said, whether there are double meanings to it....
Oh and I'll be using the initial "S" for things that I say =) Guess I really am an ass sometimes...and the other person will be referred simply as "O",as in "Other" hahaha...not very creative..

Anyway yeah, the first frags, from yesterday:

"Newspeak. Doublethink."
-1984, George Orwell (currently reading it)

"Big Brother is watching you!"

O:" the end of the book, 1984..."
S: "No! Don't spoil it!"
O:"No,no..I just want you to know, there is one paragraph at the end, and when you read it you will think "Man this guy knows the truth...", and then you will say that "Man, ****** knows the truth.."

"....comme les francais adorent les greves.." (" how the French love strikes..")

S: "...Singapore is like a newspaper, you read it, you get all the facts, but that's it, who wants to read newspaper over and over again?"
O: "Haha...ok...I like that comparison...It's your own? you have copyright for that?"
S:"Nah....But anyway,'s's like a really nice novel....."
O: "You read it chapter by chapter...."
S: "Yea, and after you are done, you can open it again, read it again, and you find new things you don't notice before, you find that sentences can mean other things..."

S:".....I guess, people are looking for someone..."
O: "Wait, wait, someone or The One?"
S:"Hahaha.....Someone... People are looking for someone who are different from them in the right way, but also similar to them in the right way....because to have someone be so different from you..well, you just won't connect... and to have someone be so would be you gotta find a person who is different from you in just the right amount, but similar in just the right amount.."

" the first relationship, people are always clumsy...."

"...after you know someone for long...yeah...maybe things are not so new and interesting anymore, but you also gain a lot of things...."

" could have realised that earlier....."

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