Wednesday, March 12, 2008

On Thinking

*Before I start the writing proper, I gotta say that the weather these days are very nice.. nothing like torrential downpours to bring mellowness and inspiration....hufh....*

Was talking to a friend this afternoon and I asked him the question: "Which person do you think is happier,one who thinks too much or one who thinks too little?"
Hm...for me, though derive a lot of enjoyment from thinking, I think it's rather obvious that the answer is that a person who thinks too little is happier, as he/she also has less things to be bothered about. Well, my friend answered the same thing....And I said that often I wish I belong to the group that thinks too little, since I envy their ability to not care eventhough things are happening around them.. to live in one's own quiet little world and oblivious to all the negative things happening around seems kinda wonderful..
*And I loosely quote my conversation*
D: "But don't you get frustrated, like, why can't these people care.."
Me: "Nope...I'm kinda the type who don't really care about what others do as long as I do the right thing myself..But yea.. I think I've learnt to think that way... it's just less frustrating than to think about people who don't care.."
D: "Yeah, but see... somebody's gotta do the thinking.. people who think too little can afford to do so because there are people who think too much.. It's like if you don't think you leave it to someone else to do the thinking.. The world's okay now since there are people who think too much, but imagine if everybody just doesn't think, what kind of world would it be like.."
Me: "Hm...."

Yea I've never really thought that way before...but precisely, only people who think too much think about the consequences of what would happen if they stop thinking.. People who think too little would just say, "So what? Who cares if people don't think..."

I've never really thought before that when I stop striving to think about the consequences of my actions on society, on the environment, on myself, I'll be burdening someone else to think on my behalf...I thought that hey, if I could just stop this over-active brain of mine perhaps I wouldn't have as much fun but I wouldn't have as much guilt as well...

Oh well, for now at least I still prefer to do my own thinking, albeit rather excessively..


err said...

hm. never thought of it that way..
well, those people who think little, some of them refuse to think and say: so what?. but some are just unaware of too many things i guess, and it's people like you who should wake them up and make them think ;)
but thinking too much/unnecessarily is not good either right..

who's happier? i can't really say.. how do you measure happiness?

joy the penguin said...

hahahaha i guess i measure happiness by feeling fulfilled..which fortunately i feel quite a lot haha..
hey btw, nice nickname there.
i happen to read adit's blog and there's a topic there, if i'm not mistaken, about "who's err?"
so who's err?

err said...

eh lu masih ga tau or pura2 ga tau.. surprise, surprise.. gw err..lin :) hoho

Anonymous said...

erlin!!!! gw udah menduga sih..hehehe.. tapi kan gw gak mau berprasangka ;p
alo alo!