Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Jakarta Undercover

Continuation from previous post, specifically on the ugly side of Indonesia. Was strolling along the NUS central library today and came across the book "Jakarta Undercover", a book about nightlife and "night entertainment" in Jakarta. The book is done journalism style, and the stories are mostly matter-of-fact descriptions. Still, looking through the index is enough to make one's stomach churn at the thought of how humans could be so twisted.
Anyway, it reminds me again how hypocritical my country can be. Now many people are protesting over the court decision for the editor of Playboy Indonesia (The last time I read he was going to be released and this angered fundamentalists. FYI, Playboy Indonesia contains no nudity and reportedly is "tamer" than mags like FHM), and the argument used against him was that "Playboy merusak moral generasi penerus bangsa." (Playboy destroys the morality of youth). I mean, to scream those lines about morality when young girls are forced to participate in orgies across Jakarta? The focus is just all wrong.

If the capital of my country is that corrupt, what hope is there for the rest of it?

(side note, doesn't mean I think Playboy Indonesia is the "good guy". No way.)

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