Monday, April 9, 2007

Design Review..

Honestly, this blog has been around since late last year, but i did not manage to post anything until now..(no, archi isnt that bad, im juz plain lazy).
Well, these electronic pages are supposed to chronicle my journey, toil,rise,fall, joys and sorrows while studying - or at least trying hard to study - Architecture, so that when im year 5 *provided i get there given the archi dropout rate of about 40% - cross finger* i can laugh at my unsure, insecure, constructionally green year-1 self. Also, it serves as a medium to train and maintain my verbal way of thinking, since i was pretty sure Architecture would train up my visual abilities at the expense of verbal ones. (it did.)

Hufh...Just finished design review today (got slammed for the construction part,but otherwise im still in one piece..) which means no more studio or design stuff until August..kinda sad..but well, even if one is a willing slave to Architecture, occasional freedom does taste rather sweet =)

About Design kinda reminds me of American Idol, Singapore Idol, (put country name here) Idol, whatever...for the simple reason that there are 3 "judges" - made up of tutors of different studios- and all you have to do is present your projects to the tune of "bonafide-architect-meets-streetsmart-clients."

Easier said than done.

Well, we archi freshies are not exactly bonafide architects, though some fellow students' work do frequently incite cries like "Spoil market!!" and "Oh my Tian!!". We stray from design intentions. We misspell some words on the panel (A crime akin to forgetting your lyrics in Idol). We blank out. We cannot figure out just how to construct this gorgeous design with cantilevering 50 m square glass floor without using any bolts. (What are engineers for anyway..).
And the tutors? They're bloody smart. And bloody critical.(ok, they have to be. "Good timber doesn't come with ease, the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees.") And they're too bloody often right. Which is why you gotta know when to defend your design and when to keep quiet - I guess this is a very useful lesson even for real life ;p

Oh well, time to go full-steam for revision :'(

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