Monday, April 21, 2008


"Those who speak does not know, those who know does not speak..."
-The Drunken Immortal of Forbidden Kingdom

Alright, those who have not watched Forbidden Kingdom has to go and watch it!! It'll be satisfaction enough to see the dream fight sequence b/w Jet Li and Jackie Chan *my childhood heroes...* I've often imagined a movie with both of them in it..and voila!

Besides the cool action sequences, the movie is actually very funny..the cast is great...the storyline fresh..and the costumes cool! Man, haven't watched such a good movie since I watched Stardust..and this one's even better!

Next recommendation, those who like detective novels will do well to grab the Erast Fandorin series by Boris Akunin *available in the nearest NLBs..*. As intriguing as the Sherlock Holmes series, but with more literary flair *in my humble opinion..*. Anyway, a very good read to recuperate from an exhausting semester =)

Why am I doing all this in reading week, u ask?
Well... bookworm's gotta do what bookworm's gotta do....

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