Last view of Beijing: snow sprinkled runway
Aaaaah China... Just came back home and dead tired but I feel that I gotta at least scribble a quick update (Just wanna relish the feel of my MacBook keyboard haha.. and kinda miss blogging since I had lots of thoughts but couldn't blog in China)
Aaaaanyway.. for those wondering how was China.. it was AMAZING..... Totally tops my expectations hahaha.. Had no problem with toilets and cleanliness at all, met so many interesting people, saw really cool *and cold!* places, and sorted out my loose threads hahaha..
Actually... I fell in love with Beijing.. huhuhu... Dang even the cold weather couldn't dampen my spirits when I was wandering around the hutongs.. The bare trees lent the whole city kind of a poetic air.. and the food... oh gosh the food... Will never look at "Chinese food" the same way again.. I admit that Singapore food is great for its variety, but I've always loved street food and the Beijing street food scene is just fantabulous!
Oh well, am gonna do a series of posts on China since I've got lots of thoughts about China and Chinese people haha.. This is just a glimpse on my current feelings towards China, especially Beijing, which is highly, highly positive.
On the other hand, since I started wandering around 2 years ago, this is the first trip where I actually missed Singapore.. haha.. and quite often, at that! Every time piercing cold wind blew on my face, I just automatically remember the Singapore sun huhuhu.. Thing is, Chinese winters are fiercely cold, and there's something about the realisation that you could DIE just by staying outside a bit too long, that gave me renewed appreciation for our great tropical weather. I love Singapore weather, that's for sure. *Oh and I realise European winters are for wusses.. Because even some guys from Sweden were conquered by the combination of -20 temperatures and really strong wind in Beijing..*
So yeah, really content right now since I'm back in this sunny little island, though missing Beijing a bit. Gonna try to find work / volunteer so I can go back to China in summer =D Excited about school and happy since this semester shouldn't be as busy as the last one. All pumped up on learning Chinese.. must improve!
But first... hoahm... Good night everyone!
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