Sunday, October 4, 2009

On Hell and Pigs..

Me: "I just read a book today, The Gargoyle, and inside there's this Icelandic character that talks about Icelandic Hell...and the concept is that Hell is bloody cold.. It just struck me as pretty cool.. Maybe if you've spent your whole life in bloody cold weather then a hot hell doesn't seem so scary after all hahaha..."
D: "Surely the whole heat thing in Hell is allegorical.. so yeah.. guess wherever you consider your worst nightmare should be hell.. It's also permanently dark for Icelanders, cuz a friend who went to norway said he became very depressed there because it's so dark.. Maybe it's the same in Iceland.."
Me: "If there's a hell what would yours be like?"
D: "Good question.."
Me: "Mine..hmm... without books at all, no musical instrument, no way of entertaining myself.. I'd go nuts with boredom, except I can't go nuts because it's hell.."
D: "and maybe there should be a permanently empty fridge.."
Me: "Just to torment me further... ok I guess it is the common idea of hell.."
D: "Have you ever seen those videos of pigs in pig sheds?"
Me: "Just photos, and read about it.why?"
D: "They have no stimulation at all cuz they're in the same pen all their life and they just go insane from boredom.."
D: "They start chewing on the metal bars to get some sort of stimulation...."
Most enlightening conversation I had today... Am just thankful I don't believe in the Buddhist concept of karma because right now I would be dreading being born as a farmed pig in my next life huhuhu..

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