Sunday, May 31, 2009
Been a Good Day...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Superman, Bollywood version...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
On Pleasure and Meaning
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009
On Food
Friday, May 15, 2009
Bits and pieces...
Les Voyages en Train (Train Journeys)
You could say that love stories were like journeys by train,
And sometimes when I see those travellers I’d like to be one again,
Why do you think so many people wait at the platform gate?
Why do you think we stress so much when we arrive a little late?
The train often pulls away when you least anticipate,
And the love story carries you off from those who commentate,
The commentators are you mates who say goodbye at the station
They watch the train pull away with a look of trepidation
You wave back at them and imagine their comments going round
Some say you’ve made a mistake, that your feet aren’t on the ground,
Each one makes a prediction for how long the trip will last,
Most of them think the train will derail at the first stormy blast.
Real love, it’s no surprise, changes the expression on your face
So, from day one you should carefully choose your place,
A seat by the aisle or next to the window glass,
What do you choose, a love story in first or second class?
In the first few miles you can’t take your eyes from her face,
You barely notice out the window the passing green open space,
You feel light, life is a flower and you’re drinking its nectar
You feel so good that you almost want to kiss the ticket collector,
But the magic only lasts a time, your story’s running out of steam,
You tell yourself you’re in it for nothing, ‘it’s all her fault’, you want to scream
The train’s rumble makes you drunk, you feel sick at each bend,
You’ve gotta get up, walk out and find a way for your heart to mend.
Now the train slows down, it’s already the end of your tale,
And what’s more you’re like a fool, your mates are at the other end of the rail
You say goodbye to the one you’ll now call your ex,
In her address book, she whites out your name in tippex.
So you see that love stories are like journeys by train,
And sometimes when I see those travellers I’d like to be one again,
Why do you think so many people wait at the platform gate?
Why do you think we stress so much when we arrive a little late?
For some Life is all about trying to catch a train,
To feel love and find their energy bubbling up like champagne,
For others the aim is to arrive with time to spare,
To have a safe trip and live life without care.
It is easy to catch a train but make sure you pick well,
I got into two or three but not the right carriage, I could tell,
For trains are temperamental, some you try to reach but fail,
And I don’t always think it’s possible on Network Rail
For some the trains are always on strike or so it seems,
And their love stories only exist in their dreams,
Others jump on the first train without paying attention,
But, of course, they get off disappointed at the next station,
Still others stress about commitment as they’re over-emotive,
For them it’s too risky to hold on to the locomotive,
And there are the adventurers who take trip after trip,
Once one story is finished onto the next page they flip,
I suffered for months after my only real journey,
We both agreed to leave, but she agreed more than me,
Since then, I hang out on the platform, watch the trains pull away
Some doors open, but for now it’s on the platform I’ll stay
It seems that train journeys end badly, more often than not,
If that’s the case for you hang on, don’t tie your heart in a knot,
Because one thing is certain there’ll always be a termin-us
Now you’ve been warned – next time you can take the bus.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
It's THAT time of the year.....
On Mistakes
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
On Being Alone
And I quote:
" It's terribly important to have 'alone time'. How else will you figure out what's going on inside? How else will you be made aware of your own hypocrisy when society is too polite to point it out to you? Who else but you knows you well enough to call you out on your crap? Unfortunately, it's also appalingly boring. . . . . . . . . . The problem with spending too much time with yourself is that you're made acutely aware of how ridiculously uninteresting you are. . . . The truth is, we are only as interesting as the company we keep. We don't gather in groups to have an audience (well, not all the time at least) - we need people around us so we can consider new ideas, and so that we may, hopefully, become more interesting."
Hm.....when I first read it I was like, "Nah, I don't have problems spending time with myself, and time alone doesn't make me think I'm boring..." But then, I realise that I don't actually spend my time alone to think a lot about myself..... I spend time alone to read books, think about new ideas, see Nature, take photographs, explore new places, write, play music, plan new short, yeah, I spend time alone to enrich myself, and as a result I become more interesting when I'm with people.... Haaaa.....
Somehow the realisation is pretty cool..... I mean, sometimes when people know I love to spend time alone they think I'm a self-absorbed weirdly egoistical individual who thinks that other people are too boring to keep me company (F.Y.I, I don't think like that... ok at least not most of the time..)
. . . but hey, I just realised that even among my other friends who are loners, most of the time we are alone, we are doing activities that take the focus off ourselves anyway..... Oh wow it's good to not feel like a self-absorbed weirly egoistical individual hahahahaha.....
That said, spending 'alone time' do make me more aware of myself.... It's just that when we are not surrounded by people - who unavoidably bring in their values, their thoughts, their judgments, their pretenses, their truths, their influences - we are free to form our own thoughts and judgments, however unexciting or radical it is, and that's such a liberating thing.
Even for people like me who end up publishing their either unexciting or radical thoughts in a blog anyway =)