Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Gerakan Anti-Televisi
Tayangan televisi hari ini basi !
isinya pembodohan semua.
hiburan yang tidak menghibur,
pendidikan yang tidak mendidik.
cinta di umbar
religi di komersilkan ..
komunikasi satu arah,
ku telan mentah-mentah
tak ada jeda untuk bernapas
semuanya menjerat, mengejar, memburu
meminta untuk di miliki
pilih aku, pilih aku
dan akan kuhibur dirimu
kuganti semua kesedihanmu dengan semua kegembiraan ini
walau semuanya akan berakhir dalam jangka waktu
tak perlu malu meniru.
siapa mereka berani me-legitimasi orisinalitas ?
di tempat lain kenyataan di jual.
reality show yang tidak benar-benar nyata
karena semua pelakunya juga berakting
dalam hidup sehari-hari mereka
telah terbiasa
membohongi diri sendiri
inikah kenyataan hari ini ?
aku menghujat, aku menggugat
aku mengkritik,
tapi tetap menonton ..
Pas banget dengan suara hatiku yang percaya sepenuhnya nonton TV itu membodohi diri sendiri. Bedanya, aku nggak tetap menonton..hahaha.. Memang ada juga tayangan yang bagus dan mendidik, misalnya aja Indosat Galileo, National Geographic, berita, bahkan seperti front-nya TV Mobile. But let's face it, berapa dari kita yang memilih nonton acara2 itu daripada sinetron, reality TV, drama cengeng etc etc? Hiburan? Hiburan memang perlu, tapi apa nantinya kita akan memberi contoh generasi berikut untuk pasif menghibur diri dan tinggal terima apa aja yang disodorkan ke mereka?
Ah, anyway, memang aku biased. Baca buku tetap pancen oye!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Last thursday I really had no money in my wallet...sheer carelesness really, too busy i forgot to draw money, and even forgot i had no more money. To top it off, i also neglected to top up my ez-link and as a result it was down to around -0.40 cents...for lunch i borrowed money from Ren,$10, and i had some coins. but then, studio ended late and i had to rush to newton to catch my french class, so, not wanting to wait infinitely long for bus 88 i hauled a cab to take me to Harbour Front. brilliant plan: use money to pay cab, then leftover to buy one trip ez link to newton, and to go back from newton to toa payoh.
Well i forgot about the cab fare hike.. as a result i had to eye the meter the whole time i was in the cab.. thinking to stop the cab the moment the meter reaches $10 and then maybe just walk to the bus interchange...managed to reach the interchange, though.fare? $9.70. so the i had 30 cent left... oh well... went down to the mrt station to top up my ez-link, checked my wallet and realised I LEFT MY ATM CARDS AT HOME. Two of them, both left at home. Dang. Went to the ez link counter and asked the lady "Can I top up my ez-link card with cash card?" Knowing all along that most probably the answer is no. Well, the lady said no, and I explained to her my situation and asked... "Can I sell my cashcard to you for $2 to buy the ticket? I desperately need to get there..there's still about $3 in the card.." She seemed a bit confused, and finally said "Maybe you can go to the station manager...."
OK so I went to the station manager and explained my predicament.. the station manager, a middle-aged man with quite an arrogant air (I am not biased..hm.. somehow I just konw that there's no possibility in him helping me..as I was telling him my situation I could feel that he thinks I'm either deranged or out to cheat money...) Oh well, he told me smugly "We cannot help you." and that was that.
So... I had to try my "May i sell you my cashcard..." line at a young chinese lady. Again, I'm not biased, but just from seeing her I felt that she might help me. It's something about people's attitude and expression that makes other people want to approach them for help.. Wellll..... she GAVE me the $2 saying it's ok cuz it's just 2 dollars.. trying to preserve some dignity (which I didn't care much for anyway, if not I wont be reduced to selling my cashcard.. but I really don't want to just take the lady's money...) I insisted she take my cashcard, but she really declined...May the LORD bless her many times over! I am thinking of how to see her again but it is most unlikely I guess..
All well and good, I thought.. and then, who came to see me but the MRT station lady! She left her post at the ticket station to give me $5! And what really touched me was that she did i without lotsa fuss, trying to be as quiet as possible slipping the money into my hands.. Man, may the LORD bless her many times over!
This evening I went home by Harbour Front station and wanted to repay her, but she wasn't in the ticket office. Guess she wasn't in her shift. I fully intend to repay her and do something nice for her for chinese new year or valentine's. Readers, if you come across a lady named Saerah in Harbour Front MRT ticketing office, be fully aware that she was my angel in need!
So far...
1. so far...i've been quite able to keep my resolution to sleep no later than 12 midnite, which helps in keeping morning prayer n bible reading regular. i will keep it no matter what, since my resolution this semester is to shift my passion to things of God.. and if I can't feel that passionate yet, then all the more i should act passionate, i think.
2. another thing that has enabled me to sleep before 12 (been sleeping at 11 and even 10pm...unheard of for archi student..) is that my "engine" for designing is not reved up yet..cuz well, if one is very "on" about designing one just forgets the clock and forgets sleep..which is not happening right now.. just don't feel so "enthu" and am taking it slow.. which is bad, really..don't wanna fail design! and it's 12 MCs! am gaining speed, though, shedding the slack-ness that comes from holiday and starting to be more enthusiastic about working heck hard in design. I have a tutor that knows pretty good deal about architecture, and i like his approach to architecture even if he might seem unfriendly at times, so yeah, starting to get excited!
3. crashed a computing lecture with a secondary school friend who went to Aussi and came back for holiday... went like this: we both loitered around NUS since i promised to show him around, then at a bit before noon we waited for m computing fren who was supposed to smuggle us in. Well...that friend of mine came kinda late n turned out we had to sit right smack in front of the professor, what with the small class size...huhu... pretty fun though, I'm now totally grateful that I'm in archi! hahaha... aside from that, yea i always enjoy listening to things i don't know.. i don't really understand what's going on,there were a lot of jargons, but for me it was like listening to a foreign languages, and i so like listening to foreign languages! let's see what i remember.... automata, mutual induction, proof..umm..pretty much all..hahha..
4.my favorite cousin came...just for two days one nite! sucks..but we had fun while it lasted.. went around Bugis street helping him hunt a pair of rings and necklace for his girlfriend, it was fun! (kinda surprising actually, seeing as i don't like shopping and i don't like "blings", but i guess it's true, it's not a matter of what you're doing, but who you're doing it with.) especially since we both have wacky sense of humour and juz naturally got attracted to the weirder rings..haha.. oh, i didn't know that there's a sex-toy shop smack in the middle of Bugis street..geez...and when me n me couz passed by, there was an old uncle standing and picking his nose in front of a row of indecent posters... surreal... it's almost perverse, really, he fact that he's so absorbed in what he's doing and hence ignored the abundance of "temptations" around him..
5. my application for exchange program is approved...to Paris! but it's just the NUS side.. i still have to go through the application for the French side, Ecole speciale d'architecture. oh man..i really hope it goes through..though, with my current level of French, it probably means i have to choose between being a virtual dumb-mute when i get to Paris, or work my derriere off studying French every night from now on..
6. Realise i'm very lousy with computer programs since I've never really taken the time to learn them.. have always favored books over coms.. thankfully Reren is so computer savvy! anyone wanna join me in photoshop class and get her to tutor? Class starts strictly after 12 pm though..haha.. ;p jk, thanks lots Ren!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Crystal Island
Anyway...why couldn't we have Foster for the IR buildings..hiks.. i like Moshe Safdie's works but his Marina Bay IR (see image below) is just plain weird..

Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Three-minute Rule
I think it's a very good principle and am gonna try to implement it, in line with my church's desire this year to "eliminate evil report" (and personal desire to reduce, if not eliminate, tendency to gossip..huhuhuh..).
In any case, pastor taught a good thing, that we have to commit to the church even if it's not perfect, cuz only then we can grow up. Just like when we are dating we have less commitment and hence can change partners but in a marriage we don't right away divorce a spouse when we find some aspects not to our liking.
Gotta stop "dating'" the church.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
"Cinta adalah persahabatan..."
Well..aku inget waktu SMP pernah baca satu quote "Dalam persahabatan pria dan wanita, tidak mungkin tidak ada cinta." (Memang hobinya baca bacaan yang gak sesuai umur..huhu.. ) Newae, alasan kenapa aku inget quote itu adalah, pas SMP temen baikku semuanya cowok, asli gak ada yang cewek, dan dalam kenaifan anak SMP aku mikir "Ah ini mah omong kosong lah, memang orang dewasa selalu mengait2kan semuanya dengan cinta." *perhatian, pas itu aku merasa anak SMP lebih bijaksana dari orang dewasa dalam berbagai hal.*
Tapi.... sekarang ini kayaknya aku meyakini sepenuhnya kebenaran quote itu. Ya, dari pengalaman pribadi, dari berpikir secara logika juga. Dari pengalaman.. yah, aku beruntung pernah punya teman2 baik cowok yang mengajarkan aku berpikir dengan kepala dingin, jadi lebih tenang, dan nggak membesar2kan masalah, plus membuat hidupku fun banget karena...yeah...cowok lebih tau how to have fun beyond shopping..hehehe.. Cuma.. well.. dengan teman2 dekat cowok, kalau nggak aku yang "jatuh", ya temanku. Setelah berulang beberapa kali akhirnya kapok, karena berada dalam posisi menolak maupun ditolak seorang sahabat itu sama sekali nggak enak, ditambah "bonus" kehilangan seorang sahabat. Padahal yang namanya sahabat itu susah dicari dan kalau ketemu seharusnya dijaga dengan segala cara, tapi ya itu tadi.. bertepuk sebelah tangan pada seorang sahabat adalah salah satu posisi paling miserable yang bisa membuat orang memutuskan untuk melepas persahabatan itu daripada tersiksa terus.
Dari logika.. yah, yang namanya sahabat biasanya itu orang yang udah kita percaya, sangat kenal dan kita enjoy spend time with, jadi wajar aja kalau kemudian ingin menjadikan sahabat sebagai teman hidup.(Kecuali kalo anda punya prinsip "Apabila seseorang itu nggak cukup cakep untuk dijadikan pacar, baru dah dijadikan sahabat.") Dan bukannya yang paling bagus adalah kita menemukan sahabat terbaik sekaligus pecinta terbaik pada diri orang yang sama? Kalau nggak nanti runyam seperti ini:
Mami: "Ih papi! Masa sering banget ngobrol sama sekretaris itu! Makan siang berdua, pulangnya bareng...Apa kata dunia?!"
Papi: "Ah mami, jangan terlalu cemburuan ah.. Inem kan cuma sahabat saya..tidak lebih..orang kita ngomonginnya tentang bola kok..kan baru Liga Inggris.." *emang gak boleh sekretaris namanya Inem dan seneng bola.*
Mami: "Sebeeeeell!!! Sebeeeell!!!"
Huhuhuhu... ya terlepas dari ketidakmampuanku to stay serious for a long time, skenarionya kira2 gitu lah. Hm... bukannya aku sama sekali nggak percaya persahabatan platonik antara lawan jenis, cuma semua bukti2 menjurus ke arah sebaliknya. Yah.. bedanya antara persahabatan dan cinta bahkan lebih tipis daripada cinta dan benci... dan di batas yang tipis itu kadang2 kita lewat tanpa kita sadari dan tau-tau udah kejeblos aja.
Dari hasil research sih, persahabatan platonik itu lebih gede kemungkinan berhasilnya kalau:
a) Salah satu/ kedua belah pihak menyukai sesama jenis. *perhatian tidak untuk ditiru*
b) Keduanya sangat berdedikasi pada kegiatan yang sama sehingga fokus persahabatan itu nyaris tidak pada kedua pihak tapi selalu pada kegiatan itu. Menurutku ini adalah salah satu alasan mengapa persahabatan baik lebih "aman" di antara anak2 Tuhan yang sama2 passionate mengejar kerajaanNya. Oh ya,di antara anak2 arsitektur yang passionate mengejar submission juga ;p
c) ....tidak tahu apa lagi.. mungkin pembaca ada usul?
Dan faktor2 yang tidak mempengaruhi persahabatan platonik:
a) perbedaan ras / agama / latar belakang. Malahan hal ini bisa mengundang misery tersendiri kalau kita "ada rasa" pada seorang sahabat yang berbeda kepercayaan, misalnya. Cenderung menjerumuskan, I think.
b) Apabila satu/ kedua belah pihak sudah mempunyai pasangan serius. At worst, hal ini akan menimbulkan skenario "Teman Tapi Mesra".
c) Satu pihak adalah seorang uskup dan satunya lagi adalah biarawati. Sangat. Tidak. Dianjurkan. Apa kata dunia?!
Demikian ulasan akan persahabatan dan cinta. Terima kasih.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Good Old AJC =)
One politician, one thief & one AJC student died & went straight to hell.
Politician said 'I miss my country. I want to call my country and see how everybody is doing there.' She called and talked for about 5 minutes, then she asked 'Well, devil how much do I need to pay for the call????The devil said 'Five million dollars'. The Politician wrote him a cheque and went to sit back on her chair.
Thief was so jealous, he started screaming, 'My turn! I wanna call my group members, I want to see how everybody is doing there too.' He called and talked for about 2 minutes, then he asked 'Well, devil, how much do I need to pay for the call???? The devil said 'Ten million dollars'. With a smug look on his face, he made a cheque and went to sit back on his chair.
AJ student was even more jealous & started screaming, 'I want to call my school friends and teacherss'. He called friends and teachers in AJ and he talked for twenty hours about
Application question for gp,
demand and supply for economics,
superposition for physics,
statistics for maths,
transition metals for chemistry,
organisation and control of prokaryote and eukaryote genome for bio,
written report for project work,
he talked & talked & talked, then he asked 'Well, devil how much do I need to pay for the call???? The devil said 'Twenty dollars'. Politician was stunned & said 'Twenty dollars??? Only ??'
Devil says (scroll down)
'Calling from hell to hell is a local call'
Matthew 28:19
Well, my church people likes to ask: "Matthew28:19, what does it really mean?" FYI, in TJ the baptismal formula is immersion in water, in Jesus' name, not "in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
Why? Because we believe that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are different manifestations of the same God, who is fully revealed in the name Jesus. An illustration would be this: if a man signs a cheque with his name, say "Thomas Henry", of course there would be no problem cashing the cheque. But what if the man only writes his roles in society as his signature, "father, brother, husband, friend"? Of course the cheque would not be valid because what the teller is looking for is a NAME, and not mere ROLES / MANIFESTATIONS.
One point of contention is that if the verse meant three names instead of just one, then it should have read "the NAMES of the Father,..." instead of "the NAME of the Father..." Well this can be followed by another long line of argument..but I'll just explain what I personally believe in: baptism in Jesus' name.
"Be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ." (Acts2:38)
"They were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus." (Acts8:16)
"...When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus." (Acts19:5)
"Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." (Acts4:12)
"Through His name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins." (Acts10:43)
"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Phil2:9-11)
The name of the Father
There is one Father and Jesus is the name of that one Father.
"I am come in My Father's name..." (John5:43)
"I and My Father are one" (John 10:30)
"God,who at various times and in different ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by His Son (meaning taken as Son = "God's manifestation in the flesh")... having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.." (Hebrews 1:1,4)
The name of the Son
Again, the term Son of God refers to God as manifested in the flesh in the person Jesus Christ. The name of the son is Jesus. (Matt1:21) We do not believe the Father is the Son, since the term Son can only be used in relation to humanity. So we can say the Son died, but not the Father died. We believe that the Father is in the son, as deity. Since Jesus is the name of the Son of God, both with respect to His deity and humanity, it is the name of both the Father and the Son.
The name of the Holy Spirit
"But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name.." (John14:26)
The Holy Spirit is simply God. He is holy, and He is a spirit. Why the need for another term to refer to God? The term Holy Spirit emphasizes a particular aspect of God, namely His works among men. When we speak of the Holy Spirit we are reminding ourselves of God's invisible work among men and of His ability to anoint, baptize, fill and indwell human lives, i.e. God in activity.
Well, I hope that explains the Oneness people's understanding of Matthew28:19.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Comparing Trinitarianism and Oneness
Trinitarianism | Oneness |
There are 3 persons in 1 God, i.e. 3 essential distinctions in God’s nature.God is the Holy Trinity. | One God with no essential divisions of nature. Not a plurality of persons but of manifestations, relationships, roles w.r.t man. Furthermore these are not limited to three. |
Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the three persons in the Godhead. They are distinct persons, co-equal, co-eternal and of co-essence. God the Father is the head of the Trinity in some sense, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit proceed from Him in some sense. | Father, Son and Holy Spirit are different roles of one God. God is the Father. God is the Holy Spirit. The Son is God manifest in flesh. The term “Son” always refers to the Incarnation, never to deity apart from humanity. |
Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God the Son. Jesus is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. | Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is the incarnation of the fullness of God. In His deity, Jesus is the Father and the Holy Spirit. |
The Son is eternal. God the Son has existed for all eternity, eternally begotten from the Father. | The Son is begotten, not eternal. The Son of God existed from all eternity only as a plan in the mind of God, and came into actual substantial existence when conceived by the Spirit of God. |
The Word of John 2 (the Logos) is the second person in the Godhead, namely God the Son. | The Word of John 1 is not a separate person, but is the thought, plan, activity or expression of God. The Word (plan) was expressed in flesh as the Son of God. |
Jesus is the human name given to God the Son as manifested in flesh. | Jesus (Jehovah-Savior) is the revealed name of God in the New Testament. Jesus is the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. |
Water baptism is administered by saying “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” | Water baptism administered by saying “in the name of Jesus”. (the name Jesus is usually accompanied with the titles of Lord or Christ or both.) |
Will see the Trinity or the Triune God in heaven. (There are different opinions on what the form of this “Triune God” is, but I think the line of thought that says there will be three bodies is outright tritheism.) | Will see Jesus Christ in Heaven. He is the One on the throne and the only God we will ever see. |
The Godhead is a mystery that must be accepted despite its apparent contradictions. | The Godhead is no mystery esp. to the church. We cannot understand everything about God, for sure, but believe the Bible teaches that God is one in number and Jesus Christ is the one God manifest in flesh. |
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
A Reflection...
Being the over-confident person I sometimes am, I came into NUS Architecture with great plans and thoughts – of being active in NUS, getting first class honors, even of gloriously graduating and becoming a famous architect. Well, I came out of the semester much humbled. I do not think I am one of those blessed with great talent, but I thought what I lack in talent I would make up in hard work and passion. Needless to say, I have since discovered that there are many who worked much harder, and showed much more passion than I thought possible. Yet, to see such fellow students does not summon in me fear of defeat. Instead, I am inspired, excited to learn from them and not just the tutors. (Though I did learn a lot from my year 1 semester 1 tutor and am very grateful for that!)
To be in an environment where people give their all because they want to achieve their dreams – I am privileged to be in such an environment.
I have immensely enjoyed the semester- no matter the late nights, the workload, or pressure caused by others’ expectations. Studio, field trip, lectures, or just discussing architectural matters with fellow students have all amounted to a great experience. Now though, at the end of the semester, mixed feelings remain. There is relief at having survived the first step, also an excited anticipation of the next semester. There are doubts – will what I have in me be able to carry me through five years? Must I , like Mies van der Rohe, make Architecture my religion? Then there is also regret, that maybe I have been too soft with myself and as a result did not give my best for the past few months.
Unfortunately, regret always comes too late. For now, I resolve to improve myself as much as I could, learn what is there to be learned, because I have realized I do not want to be anywhere else, studying anything else, except Architecture.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Persiapan Mental - Tangan Sudah Gatal!
That aside, these are the modules I'm supposed to take next semester:
AR1202 Design 4 (12MCs)
AR2223 Theory of Urban Design and Planning (4MCs)
PF1204 Mechanical and Engineering Systems (4MCs)
AR2326 Construction II (4MCs)
PF2303 Materials Technology (4MCs)
If you think I put them there to show off...you're absolutely right =) Long live archi!!! The semester ahead seems delightful due to the sheer variation of the modules I'd have to take. So deliciously wide-ranging! Another advantage of an architectural education =D
But well..most of the seniors say traditionally this is one of the busiest semesters. Unmercifully,there is submission nearly every week due to the amount of projects and mini-projects. Not to mention the 28MCs weightage of core modules,of which nearly half will go to design. It is always difficult to think of design in terms of grades since one just wanna let loose and have fun, yet one has to consider how to not screw up the CAP to go up to the next level. Of course there are doubts..what if I'm not creative enough..my stamina isn't good enough...my time management isn't meticulous enough...what if I won't enjo it as much as this semester..what if I'd be one of the 40% drop-outs associated to the department of architecture....
Yah, tapi...
"...biarkan cita-cita kamu menggantung....mengambang....5 centimeter di depan kening kamu...nggak akan lepas dari mata kamu. Dan kamu bawa mimpi dan keyakinan kamu itu setiap hari, kamu lihat setiap hari, dan percaya bahwa kamu bisa. Apa pun hambatannya, bilang sama diri kamu sendiri, kalo kamu percaya sama keinginan itu dan NGGAK BISA menyerah. Bahwa kamu akan berdiri lagi setiap kamu jatuh, bahwa kamu akan mengejarnya sampai dapat, apa pun itu, segala keinginan,mimpi, cita-cita, keyakinan diri....
Dan sehabis itu, yang kamu perlu cuma... cuma kaki yang akan berjalan lebih jauh dari biasanya, tangan yang akan berbuat lebih banyak dari biasanya, mata yang akan menatap lebih lama dari biasanya, leher yang akan lebih sering melihat ke atas...Lapisan tekad yang seribu kali lebih keras dari baja...Dan hati yang akan bekerja lebih keras dari biasanya..Serta mulut yang selalu berdoa...."
Dan biar segala pekerjaanku, semangatku, kebahagiaanku, peluhku dan penghayatanku. . . semuanya, hanya untukMu!