Monday, May 14, 2007

Announcement cum Clarification

"Love cannot be created or destroyed but can only be changed from one form to another."
(Heard it from someone who heard it from someone)

A friend of mine recently asked me: "What's wrong with your blog topics and msn nicks nowadays dude??"
"Huh? Wad's wrong with them?"
"Well, why are they"

Which, of course, made me wonder, "Did I sound THAT desperate?"
Which, of course, is a cause for alarm for any self-respecting individual.
Which explains the need for this announcement cum clarification.

First things first: No, I'm NOT a desperate, nerdy, forlorn, asocial archi student looking for love. I believe that God holds my love life in His hands, and hence I don't have to worry at all about it. Right, so that's settled.

I guess my friend's question stems from the general impression that I give to the inexperienced observer: that of a happy-go-lucky tomboy who only thinks about science and architecture. (and lame jokes, and pulling pranks on ppl) I don't believe in dating, but that doesnt mean I don't believe in and think about love. (Since when does "love" becomes synonimous with dating and BGR, anyway?) True love between two ppl,no matter what their relation - love that "suffers long, is kind, does not envy, does not boast, does not parade itself, is not puffed up..." - is a beautiful thing to write about, regardless of whether I'm accused of being "in love" , "out of love", "looking for love", etc etc. It's a fascinating thing to be analysed by restless minds like mine.

I'll have to explain the way I write. I am a keen observer of the world and the ppl around me, and my writings come out from questions ppl ask me, what happens to ppl close to me, and conversations I have with several fellow thinkers I'm lucky to be friends with.

So if I write about vegetarianism it's becuz ppl started asking me why I became vegetarian. If I write about love? Well well...these past few weeks some of my friends are involved in various situations also involving "love". Which kinda makes me analyse a lot about the way ppl relate to one another and differing definitions of what ppl call "love".

Truly, being a thinker and observer makes your world never boring. (Yup, even if u're stuck in a sunny little island called singapore!)

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