(Lebih Baik Sakit Gigi, sung by Meggy Z, lyrics by Obbie Messakh)
The above lyrics literally mean "It's better to have a toothache than to have a heartache..disappointed by love.." Was listening to old Indonesian songs and came across this song.. which got me thinking...Is having a toothache or any physical pain really better than having a heartache caused by love? *at least of the eros variety*
Asked ppl in MSN, and the result is that 5 ppl responded, all saying that having a toothache is better than having a heartache! They cite reasons like: "Well, for toothache there's pain killer but no such thing for heartache..", "Heartache can't be cured by a visit to the denstist..","Heartache.... the first cut is always deep..." (you know who you are, stop being so mellow lah!), and stuff like that.
Much as I am a hopeless romantic sometimes, I side with C.S. Lewis, who said: "The characteristics of Pains and Pleasures is that they are unmistakably real, and therefore, as far as they go, give the man who feels them a touchstone of reality.... five minutes' genuine toothache would reveal the romantic sorrows for the nonsense they were.." (C.S Lewis in The Screwtape Letters)
Cold? Detached? Well, I will try to convinve you, dear reader, that you should choose heartache over toothache any day!
1. Toothache simply causes more suffering than heartache. The many components of heartache - self pity, loneliness, dissapointment, bitterness - do compound the pain, but still most of it can be avoided if one has the right attitude and is willing to get back on one's feet. Pure, straightforward, undiluted pain caused by toothache, however, is rather outside of our control, other than popping painkillers every five minutes... If still you hesitate, ask yourself this question: Would you rather have a bad toothache for a year or bad heartache for a year?
2. Time tends to heal a heartache but worsens a toothache.*if you don't go to the dentist, that is..* The sad memories of love would often become sweet nostalgia after some time, but I doubt that you have fond memories of the visit to pull your wisdom tooth...
3. Heartache inspires, toothache does not. Many a love song and beautiful poems are written by lovers scorned, touching ballads composed as tribute to love unrequited... Ever hear a song or a poem dedicated to cavities?
4.Heartache teaches us to be more mature, to strive to be a better person, to try not to hurt or be hurt by other people again, to guard our hearts, to let go, to accept than others' happiness may or may not involve us...When we look back, we have to admit that we are who we are now as much because of the joy we've had as the hurt we're experienced... What does toothache teach us? Brush your teeth properly and don't eat too many sweets!
5. Sometimes, our heartache really isn't our fault.. but toothache are almost always caused by our own lifestyle and habits.. we only have ourselves to blame! *ok, not that blaming others for our heartache is good either.*
6.Having a heartache doesn't much hinder your daily activity if you just grit your teeth, make up your mind, and go about doing your business. Having a toothache takes up your mind from doing anything else, pretty much.. *at least, this is personal experience..*
7.Of course, how could I forget the most logical reason of all : chocolate sweetens a heartache, but heightens a toothache..and a disease that prevents one from eating chocolate is the worst of them all, if you ask me!
The great Shakespeare himself seems to agree that toothache is one of the primary causes fo human suffering, as he wrote:
For there was never yet philosopher
That could endure the toothache patiently,
However they have writ the style of gods
And made a pish at chance and sufferance.
- (Much Ado About Nothing)